• Installations and Performances
  • Videos
  • Participating artists

    Installations and Performances:


    • Melanie Beisswenger http://www.deepdreams.de/ „Follow Me
    • Noam Braslavsky “Undercover-N.B.L", video 8’, 2008
    • Ulu Braun http://www.ulubraun.com/ & Roland Rauschmeier, http://www.rolandrauschmeier.com/ by BitteBitteJaJa http://www.bittebittejaja.de/ „Maria Theresia and their 16 Children“, Video 31:09, 2010
    • Arjan Brentjes http://arjanbrentjes.nl/ The 21st Century“, video 3’30“,Written, directed, acted, animation, editing and music Arjan Brentjes, camera Klaas Pek, 2010
    • Costantino Ciervo http://www.ciervo.org/ „Homologation”. video, 19’44“, 2006/7
    • Heiko Daxl & Ingeborg Fülepp http://mediainmotion.de/ … bubbles on surface … from the abyss of memory … burst to disappear …Video selection, 120’ 1990-2010
    • Boris Eldagsen http://www.eldagsen.com/ SPAM AS VIDEO ART (http://www.spamthemusical.com/), video 5'30“
    • Thorsten Fleisch http://fleischfilm.com/ „Energie!“ 2007, Music by Jens Thiele., video 5'3“, 2007
    • Mihai Grecu http://www.mihaigrecu.org/ „Centipede Sun“, 10:10, Director: Mihai Grecu; Music/sound: Herman Kolgen; Image: Enrique Ramirez; Editing/montage: Momoko Seto; Production Mathematic Studio / Mihai Grecu / Arcadi / SCAM
    • Claudia Guilino „Abgesang, kupferfarben / Swan Song, coppery“; idea / realisation: Claudia Guilino; production parallel-vision, Berlin, 2009; music: "ich geh jetzt" performed by Einstürzende Neubauten; written by Blixa Bargeld, Andrew Chudy, Jochen Arbeit, Rudi Moser; with friendly permission of Freibank Musikverlag GmbH
    • Muhammad Hafiz Wan Rosli http://muhammadhafiz.com/ „Designatum“, interactive installation (video documentation)
    • John Halpern „ Joseph Beuys Transformer“ (http://www.beuysfilm.com), director/Producer: John Halpern
Original Score: Michael Galasso
Video Design Concept: Les Levine, 60 min, 1988
    • James Higginson http://www.jameshigginson.com/ „TARANTULA and other Video Abstractions“ , video 16’53“, 2010
    • Gavin Hodge „Zygosis: John Heartfield and the Political Image“, director: Gavin Hodge, producer: Tim Morrison, Gorilla Tapes; A British Film Institute (BFI) production in association with Channel Four television, 26 Min, 1991
    • Joanna Hoffmann “Hidden Dimension”, video-animation, music: Yashas Shetty, 11min 42sec, 2010 „Secret Life” Video 11min, 2008. Music: Dave Lawrence The film touches the mystery of life that brings together micro and macro levels of
    • Tony Hultqvist http://www.tonyhultqvist.se/ North to South, Space for Memories“ Video 6’25“ 2010
    • Thomas Kutschker http://filmischesberlin.de/ „Me, Myself and I in the age of download“ video, 4’14“ 2010
    • Marius Leneweit & Rocío Rodríguez „..niland 1“ Video, 13’11“, Field-Records: Lasse-Marc Riek (Grünrekorder), Soundmix: Jim Colominas, Spain 2009,
    • Antal Lux "Hypnosis" video 3'50", 1993-2004
    • Roy Menahem Markovich "UNTITLED", video 4’30“, 2010
    • Marianna and Daniel O'Reilly http://mariannaanddaniel.co.uk/ „Longbridge“, video, 15’, 2009, The Institute of Film and Video Studies Copenhagen
    • Richard O’Sullivan http://www.richardosullivan.net/ „Broken Windows“, Revised Notes 9/01/10“, video, 5:14m, 2010
    • Bjørn Palmqvist http://palmqvistaudio.com/ "ATR_1 - a trip to the end of the world", video, vocal Janne Sovag, Palmqvist Audio, 2010
    • Jino_Park http://www.parkjino.com/ 'Chrysanthemums', 1' 35"d, looped video (540x960 dimension)
    • Michael Saup http://1001suns.com / http://m-pire.com /http://particles.de Paradays , 8:00, BRD 1989
    • Alejandro Schianchi http://schianchi.com.ar „Untitled“, video, 4’.

    • Peter Carp & Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag http://www.sonarc-ion.de/ BOWLING - a cycle of 5 films / mono-split-screen, 2ch. sound (2003/2005; reloaded version: Berlin 2008), idea & concept by Space/Installation and remix: Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Direction on Stage: Peter Carp, Video programming: Thomas Plöntzke, visual source: a collection of 6 postcards from Arezzo from the sixties, Musik/Composition/Soundscape
      Tenor-/ Bassposaune: Marsyas, Kontrabass: Andre Neygenfind, Guitarre: Harry Kügler, Drumset: Oliver Sonntag, Elektronikprogrammierung und Produktion: Sonntag, Studios: N-Solab (Berlin), Musikplant (Lübeck), All Soundscapes were recorded in june 2003 in Arezzo at the original places. Produktion: Carp / Sonntag 2003/2005. Coproduktion: steirrischer herbst (Graz), hARTware-Projekte, (Dortmund), Gare du Nord (Basel), supported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes
      and TMA, Festspielhaus Hellerau (Dresden), stageproduction: THEATER LUZERN 2005
    • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag BOWLING, hARTware-Projects, Dortmund 2004
    • Alexander Markov http://www.cinemarkov.com/ & Nick Teplov http://www.nickteplov.com/ „Two Highways“, video 26'50“, 2008
      drawings and paintings - Boris "Bob" Koshelokhov (Борис "Боб" Кошелохов)
      directed by Alexander Markov & Nick Teplov (Александр Марков и Ник Теплов)
      visual concept and design - Nick Teplov , camera - Mikhail Klyuev
      editing & sound editing - Vadim Teterin, computer graphics - Nick Teplov, Vadim Teterin, Dmitry Groshikov, music and noises - MONO(jp), Boris Filanovsky, Vlad Petrov, Ilya Seletsky , video footage - Мaxim Katushkin, Nick Teplov, Alexander Markov, Kirill Kuzmichev, consultant & subtitles - Thomas Campbell
      with the support of - Kirill Kuzmichev, Pavel Pavlovsky
    • François Vautier „BLADE RUNNER revisited >3.6 gigapixels“, video 4’13“,2009
      source : Blade Runner de Ridley Scott (the final cut)
      durée : 1h51mn52s19i > 167819 frames >>
      one picture / format psb : 60 000 X 60 000 : 3 540 250 000 pixels >> 3,5 gigapixels
      sound > from the original score by Vangelis
      compositing> logiciel : Combustion. Mac pro 2X 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon. nombre de layers : 1!
    • André Werner http://placebokatz.blogspot.com/ “ Mannaka No Ie” (The House In The Middle)., video 7’ 50”, 2006
    • Zhang Biying www.biyingzhang.net „Sensation Series“ films about humanity 9’53“ 2009

    Participating artists:

      Batista Marko (Slovenia)
      Beisswenger Melanie (Australia)
      Braslavsky Noam (Israel/Germany)
      Braun Ulu (Germany)
      Brentjes Arjan (Netherlands)
      Ciervo Costantino (Italy)
      Cirkulacija 2 (Slovenia)
      Eldagsen Boris (Germany)
      Fleisch Thorsten (Germany)
      Grecu Mihai (Romania)
      Guilino Claudia (Germany)
      Halpern John (USA)
      Higginson James (USA/Germany)
      Hodge Gavin (UK/Germany)
      Hoffmann Joanna (Poland)
      Hultqvist Tony (Sweden)
      Kutschker Thomas (Germany)
      Hurrel Stephen (UK)
      Leneweit & Rodriguez D/YV (Venezuela)
      Lux Antal (Hungary)
      Markovich Roy Menahem (Israel)
      O´Reilly Marianna & Daniel (UK)
      O'Sullivan Richard (UK)
      Palmqvist Audio (Denmark)
      Park Jino (USA)
      Saup Michael (Germany)
      Schianchi Alejandro (Argentina)
      Sonntag Jan-Peter (Germany)
      Teplov & Markov (Russia)
      Vautier Francois (France)
      Werner André (Germany)
      Zhang Biying (USA)
      Alik Alo (UK)
      Floricic Alen (Croatia)
      Hafiz Muhammad (USA)
      Hurrel Stephen (UK)
      Kahlen Timo (Germany)
      Videored (Lopez, Cogua, Piedrahita CO) (Columbia)
      Magee Paul (UK)
      Makela Mia (Finland)
      Morimoto Yota (Netherlands)
      Cécile Colle}{Ralf Nuhn (France)
      Oldenburg Aaron (USA)
      Pais Filipe (France)
      Sachsenmeier Andreas (Germany)
      Saito_Mikio (Japan)
      Schindling Eva (Austria/Canada)
      Spahn Wolfgang (Germany)
      Tonagel Tina (Germany)
      Wagner Armin (Austria)
      Antal Lux (Hungary)
      Zabelka Mia (Austria)
      Onol Isin (Turkey)