Jaka Železnikar

Open Map

Open Map is a participatory, exploratory online work. At its core is a web application that draws on a map of the Nova Gorica and Gorizia area. Participants can explore, enter, or evaluate the content – points on the map that identify both official cultural institutions as well as informal spaces of cultural collaboration or public art (sculptures, poems, points where different social groups socialise, etc.).
Through the cultural and social points provided by the local community and the broader online space, users can opine on various qualitative aspects of individual locations (likes, dislikes, comments, etc.). The work facilitates and differentiates between anonymous and non-anonymous content and reactions.
The goal is to measure and display the cultural pulse of both cities as gleaned from the online activity of the local community and the broader public. The data collected through the online interaction of stakeholders can be used by those with a personal interest as well as researchers and decision-makers.

After his literary debut – a collection of poetry and short stories – Jaka Železnikar entered the field of online art and e-literature in the second half of the 1990s. He has used websites as well as media such as floppy discs, books, e-books, e-literary performances, gallery exhibitions, Firefox add-ons, and a puppet robot that tells a location-based narrative. He is mainly interested in the critical exploration of online culture and technology and algorithmic culture and technology in general, from the social to the personal.
