grüntaler9 / Teena Lange

BYS229 – Recalculating the Route

BYS229 is the mobile extension of the Berlin-based project space grüntaler9. A (driverless) car breathing on a drive along the arrhythmic European divisions. The journey itself is a reality check and reality checked, partially moving through compasses, navigations, recalculations, manipulations, demarcations, landmarks, and other entities. Serpentining up a stream of mobile bodies and data and souls. Through the pixelated odds of valleys and mountains.

BYS229 and its crew will roll from its base in Berlin through several countries and host international artists to encounter their research practices en route and develop performances for the Pixxelpoint Festival. Upon arriving, performative interventions will occur in a site-specific manner in public spaces, in front of the festival’s various locations, at designated spots within Nova Gorica and always in relation to BYS229. 

grüntaler9 is a space in Berlin dedicated to performance art and is deeply committed to generating platforms for the collaborative processes of performative research. Since May 2011 grüntaler9 has been a space in constant transformation, a space dedicated to live performances and time-based art, a space directed towards the performative. Within this space, international artists, thinkers, and curators investigate diverse theories and practices. The space is run, curated, and facilitated by Teena Lange, through collaboration, invitation, and submitted proposals.
